Unzipped and copied the RR_AE5K800V file to c:\users\me\documents\romraiderĤb. Downloaded the RR/ECU definitions for AE5K800V (I know this is my CALID because I recently had my 2012 STi wagon flashed at the dealer with the WQC-39 update).Ĥa.
#Edit bin file ecuflash download
Copied the Subaru folder from the v. download to this same folderĤ. Deleted the default 'Subaru' folder in c:\program files\openecu\ecuflash\rommmetadataģc. Downloaded Ecuflash definitions v.ģb.
Downloaded and installed Ecuflash 1.44ģa. Started RR Logger > clicked Settings > Logger definition location > chose c:\users\me\documents\romraiderģ. Started Romraider, clicked ECU Definitions>Definition Manager and added c:\users\me\documents\romraider\ecu_defs.xmlĢd. Downloaded and installed logger definitions v.0.3.1b and installed to same directory as aboveĢc. Copied ecu_defs.xml from v. to c:\users\me\documents\romraider\Ģb. Downloaded RR defininitions v. and created a new folder in c:\users\me\documents called 'romraider'Ģa. Downloaded and installed Romraider 0.5.9Ģ. I googled for an answer and all I could find was a few ancient threads suggesting the wrong definitions, but I'm 99% sure I have the right ones installed including one for my specific CALID, all added in the right locations. hex supposed to be an option here? My tuner wants my stock Rom in. Then I tried to 'save as' and the only extensions available were. Tonight I connected to my 2012 STi and was able to download and read my stock ROM with no errors. My Tactrix finally arrived and for the last couple of weeks I've been studying the FAQ and doing some practice with ECUFlash and RR.